FLOORida Water Floor Wash
No shade but this aint yo average Florida Water. As a matter of fact, it's not Florida Water at all! It's FLOORida Water, a Spiritual Floor Wash. While it serves as a spiritual cleansing and protecting agent, it also removes ALL negative energies in your immediate surroundings; even if it's you. This Floor Wash was designed to remove stagnant energy, cut cords, uncross crossed conditions, protect the home and provide a clean slate. DOn't get mad at me when folks start falling off, you bought it! Comes in an 8oz jar, use sparingly.
DIRECTIONS: Start with a clean home. Add floor wash to clean + hot mop water. Clean floor from front to back. In a separate container add clean hot water + mop water to clean base boards, window seals and front + back of doors. While you can use this wash anyway of the week it's best to use on a Sunday. FOR FLOOR USE ONLY. DO NOT ADD TO BATH WATER.